Clematis of the Month for December 2008

Section: Connatae
Subsection: Connatae
Distribution: Japan, Taiwan, China: W. Hubei, Sichuan, Sikang (E. Tibet, W. Sichuan), Gansu.
Flowering: (September to November in the wild) but in my garden from mid November to December.
Habitat: In shrubbery on open localities at streams, in forests and forests edges.
First Recorded: Maximowic in Bulletin de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint Pétersbourg 22:213,1866, publ. 1877.
First in cultivation: In 1900 from China E.H. Wilson

The flowers of Clematis lasiandra are campanulate, whitish or more or less strongly tinged in purple-violet, strongest on the inside. The flowers are 10-20 mm across, and the tepal roll back at the tip. They are borne in short lateral cymes, 2-3 flowers, on the current season stems. The stamens are very hairy. Place the plant in the garden so that the small flowers can be observed.
The leaves are bipinnate to biternate and dark green. Because the leaves are small and the flowers are a light colour, it is possible to see the flowers on the plant even in when grown through big shrubs.
The stems grow to 2-6 meters.
The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in full sun or in semi-shade (light woodland). Place the plant in full sun in Western Europe, otherwise you do not get open flowers as the beginning of winter starts before lasiandra has started flowering. It requires not too moist soil during the summer and in winter the soil must be rather dry otherwise you will loose the plant. In Holland the plant is hardy under these conditions and I have had my plant in my garden for many years.

The plant can be used for a large pergola, obelisk or trellis. You can use Clematis lasiandra also in big shrubs and trees.
Pruning can be done if the plant gets too large. The pruning time is spring because the plant has flower in November/December.
Propagation from seeds is easy; the seeds germinate within 6 months at 20 degrees Celsius. I have my plants from seeds which were donated to the I.Cl.S.
Cuttings can be taken of young wood and will root within 3 months.
Ton Hannink