Honorary Fellows of the Society

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This page will eventually contain information on all Honorary Fellows of this Society, past, present and future.

Mary Toomey

Appointed by C.G.M. in Portland, Oregon, USA in 2010, proposed by Szczepan Marczyński, Poland, seconded by Bengt Sundström, Sweden.


Mary Toomey has been interested in Clematis and promoted them personally and as a member of British Clematis Society and International Clematis Society for many years. She has written numerous articles on Clematis, many of which have been published in our “Clematis International” journal. She is an author and a co-author of three books, two of them “An illustrated Encyclopaedia of Clematis” and “Timber Press Pocket Guide to Clematis” are especially renowned and a basic reference of information on Clematis for many people. Mary Toomey has also contributed significantly to the final version of Magnus Johnson’s “The Genus Clematis” book in English. Her biological education and academic experience have been of great value in all these publications.

Mary Toomey has given lectures on Clematis and other plants of Ranunculace family in many countries around the world, as well as during I.Cl.S. conference meetings. They have always kindled strong interested and her lectures in the USA and Canada were especially popular.

Together with the Ranunculace Society, Mary Toomey has organized a very interesting conference and a trip to Ireland for the I.Cl.S and has prepared numerous interesting trips, meetings and presentations within the framework of the British Clematis Society, in which the I.Cl.S. members participated.

Her work as a breeder is also noteworthy: she has bred and introduced the valuable Clematis montana ‘Tsunami Child’ variety.

Taking the above mentioned information into consideration, I would like to nominate Dr Mary Toomey for the position of Honorary Fellow of the International Clematis Society.

Raymond Evison

Appointed by C.G.M. in Cambridge, Great Britain in 2004.


Raymond founded the International Clematis Society in 1984, 20 years ago. Despite a very demanding business life, he actively supports the Society and frequently finds time to attend Society Conferences, often giving presentations. In this our 20th Anniversary Year, the Council wished to acknowledge his contribution to the Society by the award of Honorary Fellowship. [Clematis International 2005, page 14]

Brewster Rogerson

Appointed by C.G.M. in Warsaw, Poland in 2002.
Died 26th May 2015.


Brewster has enthused many people to grow Clematis including a large number of our North American Members as well as founding the North West Pacific Clematis Society. Every month he works hard for the I.Cl.S. Web Site to produce an interesting description for the Clematis of the Month. [Clematis International 2003, page 14]

Brother Stefan Franczak

Appointed in 2004.
Died 6th July 200

Kazushige Ozawa

Appointed in 1998.
Died 27th December 2003.

Jim Fisk

Appointed in 1996.
Died 17th August 2004

Magnus Johnson

Appointed prior to 1994.
Died 25th April 2002.

Anne Harvey

Appointed prior to 1994.
Died 17th January 1999.