Recommended Clematis

The Recommended Clematis list was created by the members of the International Clematis Society from all over the world. It used to be called “Clematis for Beginners List”, but we’ve changed the name to reflect the wider appeal.

The clematis on this list are recommended by members as being good to grow in their climates and available to buy. There are other, very good, clematis, but they are not necessarily available worldwide and may not have proved to be good growers in all locations. There are downloadable Recommended Clematis publications in English, Dutch, French, German and Swedish.

The purpose of the List is to help all people to choose varieties and cultivars of clematis that are not only beautiful, but also reliable, easy to grow, and resistant to common clematis diseases including Clematis Wilt.

The names of Clematis in the list conform to The Clematis Register and Checklist 2002 published by RHS (Royal Horticultural Society). However you may see them for sale with slightly different labels. We have included many of these “common names”, they are shown below within […]. If in doubt, please ask an assistant.

Clicking on any of the small pictures will display a larger one. Use the back button on your browser to return.

Where indicated on the name of the clematis, there is a link to the Society’s ‘Clematis of the Month’ page that featured this cultivar.

Blooming times are given by season for northern Europe with an indication of the months that this applies to but there will be variation between the north and south of Northern Europe. Blooming time may also vary from one year to another.

All these clematis have pictures and information on the Clematis on the Web website and by clicking on the Clematis on the Web icon for each Clematis you will be taken directly to the relevant page.

To start, please select one of the groups listed on the left hand side of your screen. Continue to select from the left hand menu, or use the link at the end of any page to return to the I.Cl.S. Homepage.